Blast-furnace Oxygen-enriched Iron Manufacturing and Oxygen Generation Project of Wugang

The flow of the VPSA-O2 device provided by PIONEER to Wugang Sino-Canada Steel Co., Ltd. is 10,600Nm3/h and the purity is 80%. It is applied to the oxygen-enriched combustion of the Blast Furnace #1 (1,260m3) of Sino-Canada Steel. The blast-furnace oxygen enrichment technology has been commonly recognized by the industry as an effective way to reduce the production cost and elevate the economic benefit.

It is analyzed by the expert that when the oxygen enrichment rate of the blast furnace reaches 2.5%, a ton of iron may save 40kg of coke and the annual output of steel may increase by over 90,000 tons. The VPSA-O2 device manufactured by the company is energy-saving and flexible in operation that it may assist the user in reducing the cost and strengthen the efficiency.


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