Based on the advanced pressure swing adsorption and separation of carbon monoxide process, we successfully developed some of the more difficult industrial tail gas purification technologies, and have achieved industrial application and obtained good market feedback. Including calcium carbide furnace exhaust purification of carbon monoxide and phosphorus tail gas purification process.

There are nearly 400 calcium carbide manufacturing enterprises in China at present whose total annual productivity exceeds 15 million tons. More than 15 billion m3  tail gas of calcium carbide furnace is produced in China every year. It mainly contains CO (75%~90%) which is totally If fully discharged, equaling to the waste of 2.4 million tons of standard coal, and emits 12 million tons of CO2 and more than 900,000 tons of dust every year. It is the best way to save the energy, reduce the emission and transform the waste to treasure by reasonably utilizing CO.

Utilization mode of the tail gas depends on the purification degree. There are three existing purification techniques of the yellow phosphorus tail gas: the traditional alkali washing method can only be applied to the extensive purification; the temperature-change PSA method is complicated and consumes much energy; the general catalytic oxidation method may not realize the continuous dephosphorization and consumes much catalyst. Recently, in view of the atmosphere and purification situation of the yellow phosphorus tail gas, PIONEER has developed a brand new dephosphorization catalyst, the DePOx catalyst, which may realize the continuous dephosphorization with various impurities in the yellow phosphorus tail gas that the dephosphorization process is not renewed and is simple in the technique. The dephosphorized gas may be used in the combustion power generation or synthesis of the C1 chemical production in combination with other purification techniques.


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